
Recruiting Assistants

(EN: This book is somewhat controversial - not merely because of its topic, but because of its origin. It is presented as a synthesis of various Soviet documents on the practice of brainwashing, but may in fact be a fabrication to provoke outrage and opposition to the communist party and due to its suspicious origin is considered that it may be a hoax or a work of science fiction. I've read it, and preserved notes, as it seems interesting and plausible, in spite of its dubious validity and origin.)

A psychological operative can only accomplish a very little by his own personal efforts, and must recruit others who will support and assist - ideally, with a level of complete obedience. An assistant who is hesitant or objects to the tasks they are required to perform is of little assistance.

An inexperienced and uneducated person is an ideal assistant. Having no ideas of his own and no exposure to knowledge that would enable him to detect the intentions or question the methods of the primary operative, he will be obedient because he does not have the wherewithal to mount an objection. Students of psychology, who have a great deal of theoretical knowledge but no practical experience, make excellent dupes.

An individual with a pronounced sense of narcissism, sadism, and sociopathic tendencies often has a natural attraction to the field of psychology: their desire to have esteem and exercise power over others without regard for the personal interests of their victims makes them willing, even eager, to assist in practicing violence against others to modify their behavior.

Being in a position to have control over others is appealing in a broad sense as well, so little more incentive is necessary to attract those who will gladly provide assistance. So long as their work involves dominating others and practicing brutality without consequences, they will happily comply and will not question the reasons.

There is a brief mention of sexual dominion, as the sexual abuse of psychiatric patients is common - but at the same time is abhorrent to society that a caregiver would take sexual advantage of his charges. This is actually beneficial to the operator, who can place a mark in a position to molest their charges, and then use the threat of exposing their misconduct as a method of having control over them.