
Advice for Success

The author indicates that he expects this book to draw a readership that wants to build a successful practice and do a better job of serving their customers - but in truth, that isn't really what they are after at heart: they are looking to build more successful lives, and see their work as a means to do that.

However, in the course of writing the book and talking to people, he's come across some wisdom that, while not directly related to the industry or the business, is worth considering.

The Downside of Efficiency

Simply stated, there are limits to what a person can do - and trying to take on more work requires being more efficient in how you do things. Unfortunately, efficiency often comes at the cost of quality, and this is destructive in the long run.


Traditionally, finance has been a cut-throat business - and as firms found better way to serve their customers, they became more secretive and defensive. His sense is that there should be goodwill, and that even competing firms should be willing to share ideas and experiences to the betterment of all mankind.

EN: While this may be possible for smaller firms that serve a specific geographic area - they can share information without stepping on one another's toes - but those who compete in the same market and/or serve the same demographic base, will continue to resist (and rightly so) the thought of sharing tactics with their opponents.

The Long View

He talks a bit about some of the major firms whose reputations have suffered greatly from corporate scandal. His suggestion is that they were too focused on the short-term, the task they were saddled with at the moment, rather than taking a long view and doing what is best for the client, and their relationship with the client, in the long term.

The Value of Conferences

He suggests that conferences are often seen as a waste of time, and that professionals generally underestimate the value of attending these events, but there are a number of major benefits that cannot be gained otherwise.

EN: As this advice comes from someone who gets paid to speak at conferences, I smell a conflict-of-interest. The fact that it reads like a sales pitch only makes that less reliable. I'm skipping this section.

Failure Precedes Success

He talks about how those who are very successful failed a number of times along they way - and that success happens when you try something that doesn't fail. (EN: a bit more - but it's pep-rally hype, nothing more.)
