
37: Devaluation

Devaluation can be thought of as the opposite of idealization: the person isolates and exaggerates negative qualities and ignores positive qualities of a person, situation, or thing.

The purpose of devaluation is generally to bolster one's own self-confidence by diminishing others - whether to elevate oneself or forgive one's own behavior: it is acceptable to behave in such a way because "everyone else" does the same thing - or worse.

Devaluation can also help to sooth feelings of inadequacy an inferiority in comparison with others: for a person who has failed to achieve financial success to consider anyone who has succeeded to be morally flawed is a common example of devaluation.

Idealization and devaluation may go hand-in-hand, as a person idealizes some and devalues others - creating a dramatic split between the "heroes" and "villains" he encounters.

Ultimately, both are falsehoods and methods of self-deception.