
30: Sublimation

Whereas displacement involves transferring negative emotions in a destructive manner (a man gets chewed out by his boss and goes home an beats his wife), sublimation involves the transfer of emotions in a benign or positive manner (a man gets chewed out by his boss and blows off steam by playing tennis). Where negative emotions are channeled into positive or constructive actions, it is considered to be "the most successful of all the ego defenses."

Another example is the homicidal individual who joins the military, to behave according to his nature in a situation in which society finds it acceptable. Leonardo da Vinci is another example of sublimation, as the author alleges that he sublimated his homosexual urges into producing artwork.

(EN: The remainder of the chapter substantiates the case for da Vinci's homosexuality, for which there is quite a bit of evidence, and then mentions a few other historical figures who were closeted homosexuals.)