
Project Plan Documents

The author presents "the most important plan documents" based on a model project, but insists that it is for "didactic purposes" and are not to be used as a rigid model, as the nature of each project will determine the documents required.

Integration Management

Project Charter

The project charter provides key information about the project and authorizes its execution.

Project Plan

The project plan describes the procedures to be performed during the execution of the project. It describes:

Top-Level Gantt Chart

The top-level Gantt chart displays the main project phases and works over time. It is summarized, and its purpose is to provide a global view of how the main works are distributed over time.

Integrated Change Control System

This document that describes all the processes regarding changes in the project, whether changes of scope, time, or costs. It indicates the criteria for consideration, and the consequences of making changes to the project.

Stakeholders Priority Matrix

This document describes the priorities of the stakeholders, as a guide for tactical decisions during the project's execution.

Lessons Learned Log

A journal of "lessons learned" as kept for the project as a method for documenting unexpected circumstances.

Scope Management

Preliminary Project Scope Statement

This document formalizes the scope of the project, defining the boundaries of the project. Usually, the preliminary project scope statement contains the following:

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The work breakdown statement divides the project into phases and components to facilitate measurement and management.

The document also provides definitions that describe each "work package": of the project, indicating the tasks to be performed, relations to other tasks, and criteria for success.

For each work package, document:

Scope Management Plan

The scope management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage the entire project scope.

Time Management

Activity List

This is a complete list of project activities, the necessary stages for the completion of a project performed on a sequence determined by the project characteristics. The activities may occur sequentially or simultaneously.

Of specific importance are:

Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a popular graphical representation of schedules, using horizontal bars to represent the time of individual tasks, placed on a time scale that shows the order of tasks to be performed.

A "Leveling Gantt Chart" is a QA tool that provides two bars for each activity: one that indicates the planned time, another that indicates the actual time.

Network Diagram

A network diagram shows the interrelationship among project activities, generally in terms of dependencies (which tasks must be completed before another task can be begun). It generally takes the form of a flowchart.

Milestones Chart

A milestones chart provides markers on a horizontal calendar to indicate where deliverables will be completed. It is often integrated with the Gantt chart.

Schedule Management Plan

The schedule management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage the entire project schedule.

Cost Management

Project Task Budget

This document breaks down costs according to the tasks - the total project cost is the sum of the cost of the phases, each phase is the sum of its component work bundles, etc. down to the lowest level task.

Costs may be broken down in a number of ways, and it is not uncommon for there to be a "low" and "high" estimate for each item.

Allocated Resources Budget

This report summarizes the costs associated with each resource for the duration of the project, generally as a unitary cost or a fixed total cost.

Cash Flow

The schedule of cash flows indicates when project expenses must be paid, according to the estimated schedule - it is a critical document for budgeting and finance purposes.

The cash flows can also be represented as a line graph (cumulative cost over time), which is often called an "S-curve" due to its shape.

Cost Management Plan

The cost management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage all the project costs.

Quality Management

The quality management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage the entire project quality.

Human Resources Management

Organization Chart

A project organization chart shows the reporting relationships among individuals involved in the project. Generally, the sponsor is at the top, then the project manager, his direct reports beneath him, and so on.

This is not the same as the business's standard organization chart - it includes only those with a role in the project, and does not consider their "regular" position in the company - just their role in the project.

Project Team Directory

This document lists the names, positions, and contact information for each person shown in the organization chart.

Responsibility Matrix

The responsibility matrix lists the individuals involved in the project against areas of expertise (or responsibility), and indicates whether the person is accountable (in charge), substitute (to be called if the accountable person is not available), or merely a contributor.

The responsibility matrix displays the responsibilities of each project team member (Table 3.7.2). It may display the detailed responsibilities of each resource, or only the project people and key-role responsibilities. Also, the responsibility matrix identifies the responsibilities, the support needs, and the supervision of each project activity group and of each specific project plan. Usually, the responsibility matrix is part of the staff management plan.

Human Resources Management Plan

The human resources management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage all the project human resources.

Communication Management

The communication management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage all project communications.

Risk Management

The risk management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage all the project risks. The risk plan is one of the secondary plans of the project overall plan.

Procurement Management

The procurement management plan is a formal document that describes the procedures that will be used to manage all the project acquisition contracts.

Statement of Work

For each item to be contracted, a statement of work should be provided to potential suppliers to enable them to evaluate whether they can satisfy the needs of the project and provide a detailed bid. Each SOW should include: