
The Game is Made for a Player

The success of a game is in the experience of its audience - success in both the practical and financial sense.

Of key importance, you are not your audience. Even if you fit the demographic profile of your audience, you still are not your audience.


Some interesting notes on audiences for games:

Gender Differences

Male players seek:

Female players seek:

It's noted that the emergency of computers made games more appealing to males, simply because of the nature of the medium: it's a solitary task of a player working on a device to try to solve an imaginary problem by trial-and-error methods. Much has changed since then, both in technology and game design, such that more and more females are being attracted to gaming.


Since gaming has been around, some research has be done into the psychological aspects of game playing - and it's found that different audiences seek different kinds of satisfaction from games.

Eight basic "game pleasures" have been defined:

  1. Sensation - The pleasure taken from the aesthetics of the game
  2. Fantasy - The ability to immerse oneself in an imaginary environment
  3. Narrative - An interest in the story of the game
  4. Challenge - The satisfaction of success at problem-solving
  5. Fellowship - In multiplayer games, a sense of friendship and community (though some have this reaction to AI characters)
  6. Discovery - The pleasure of finding something new or unexpected
  7. Expression - The pleasure of creating something that expresses oneself, or a representation of oneself (a custom character, for example)
  8. Escapism - The ability to "escape into" a game

Another source categorizes gamers into four types:

  1. Achievers - seek to "beat" the game (challenge)
  2. Explorers - prefer to wander about an experience the game world (Discovery)
  3. Socializers - Are interested in interacting with characters and other players (Fellowship)
  4. Killers - seek to defeat other players (Competition)

Another source just lists some of the different things that people "like" about games: Anticipation, justice, helping others, humor, discovery, accomplishment, pride, purification, surprise, thrill, overcoming adversity, wonder.
